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What are the Benefits of a Pre-Purchase Inspection Report?

The benefits of having a Pre-purchase Inspection Reports done before completing a contract on a house include all existing problems within the home form minor paint chips and scratched tiles to major damage in the walls, carpets, flooring, sub-floor, ceiling and roof tiles.

These building inspections assist the buyer in understanding what subtle problems they might encounter with the home after they purchase it. Armed with this full disclosure, the individual is capable of engaging in the best decision regarding finalising the home purchase, or avoiding it instead. Another reason that people might be interested in such property inspections is because when the report demonstrates problem areas, then the prospective buyer is able to utilise this information as a negotiating tool. More advantageous terms can be secured this way in the final rounds. If significant problems are uncovered, the buyer may even be able to obtain a less expensive final buying price. A final reason that a person would be interested in getting this Pre-purchase report done lies in the fact that when such reports divulge their information, this can assist the buyer in getting a specialist’s recommendations as to any dangers that may lurk in the house because of these problems.

There are a variety of benefits to getting a Pre-Purchase Inspection Report done. The person ordering the report gains the advantages of a complete inspection service for the entire house. Everything from the house’s roof exterior and interior to its very foundation is inspected. This includes all walls, floors, under-floor areas, and ceilings. Not only this, but fences, any pool, and all outbuildings will also be thoroughly looked over. Items that would not typically be covered in this property inspections report include driveways, air conditioning, carpets, tiles, alarm systems, paint coatings, appliances, plumbing, windows, and gas fittings. These can be done as part of the report, but they must be specified.

Another benefit to having the Pre-Purchase Inspection Report done lies in gaining peace of mind. Buyers are generally worried about what problems may exist in a house that they are buying of which they are not aware. Thanks to this report, they can rest assured that all current problems with the house are made known to them.

A third benefit to the process of getting the inspection and report focuses on the ability of the buyer to interact with experts. Any questions that the potential buyer has can be answered upfront. All recommendations for other specialists that are necessary as a result of the information in the report can usually be obtained right there from the person or company conducting the inspection. In fact, the consultant performing the inspection will typically make such a recommendation for additional assessments to be conducted regarding any presence of pests, structural issues, or water drainage. To this effect, they will refer the buyer to a water supply authority, pest inspector, property surveyor, geotechnical engineer, structural engineer, or electricity supply authority.

A last advantage to having such a report comes in the fact that the report will give recommendations for any and all repairs or additional assessments that need to be conducted. The buyer may then be able to require that this work be done in advance of closing on the house in question. This way, there will not be any unpleasant surprises in store for the purchaser immediately or shortly after moving in to the house.

Pre-Purchase Building Inspection & Pest Report
From $545
Pre-Purchase Building Report
From $405
Pre-Purchase Pest Report
From $315
Strata Report
From $445
Dilapidation Reports
From $355
Building Completion Report
From $395
Termite inspection
From $225
Pre-Purchase Asbestos Reports
From $295
Pre-lease Inspection Report
From $195
Vendor Pre-Sale Report
From $50
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