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Enter a suburb or street name in the search fields below to see if we have already completed an inspection on a property you are purchasing.

If we have recently completed an inspection you are able to buy a copy of the report at a discounted rate. Your details will be put on the report and you will be covered by our professional indemnity insurance.
If we have completed a report on the property you are interested in but the inspection was some time ago we recommend you have another inspection done. We can carry out a new inspection at the standard price and use the old report in gaining an understanding of the history of the property prior to re-attending. Understanding the history of a property is very useful particularly if defects have been covered up.
Childs Property Inspections has over 75000 properties on database and are adding approximately  700 new properties every month.

Experienced. Knowledgable. Reliable.
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ABN Number: 69 079 197 032 Childs Property Inspections Pty. Ltd.
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